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Vocalist, Pianist, Composer, Arranger, Educator.


Carolina Brandes is born in Frankfurt-Germany.

She grows up and gravitates around the artistic environments of Rome, Berlin and Boston where she graduates at Berklee College of Music in Jazz Vocal Performance and Jazz Composition.


In the years she has established herself as an extremely successful and highly respected musical leader, vocalist, pianist, author, arranger. She has been defined from both peers and critic a “Musical Architect”. 


Her voice is soulful, warm and sinuous but also dramatic and ironically irreverent. Her music is hard to classify; some attempts have been crossover, contemporary, electric jazz, avant-garde funk with captivating grooves and intriguing melodies enhanced by the charisma and personality of Carolina.


It is “Fusion” to be intended though in the most authentic and radical sense of the term, blending a variety of styles, ranging from Jazz to Funk, Gospel to Flamenco, Rap to Scat, Instrumental to Songwriting.


The cultural and musical cosmopolitism is also evident in the lyrics: collages in English, German, Italian, French and Spanish, gifted with passional strength of commitment.


Finally, reutilising past excursions in the realm of theatre and dance, Carolina surpasses the traditional concert format to embrace the one of a show that delivers words and music in a coloured and playful fashion.

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